Thursday, August 31, 2006

When will I wake up and stray

Pardon me if I stray
but you left midway.
Time will ask its questions.
Should I then stop,
to stand as a victim of guilt?
Will you witness the ordeal
or will you care to care less.

Night after night
a dream loops,
I keep asking the same questions.
Who knows when will I wake up
and stray.

1 comment:

GuNs said...

Hey Shashank !!

Do find time out to blog more often. I mean, I'm sure you can find half an hour once a week to blog about the week's happenings. Maybe you will be able to come up with some creative gems like these everytime. Even if you can't you will atleast have interesting stories to tell and since you write so well, even those would be nothing less than entertaining.

BTW, do you know KARANA, JEDI and SUYOG from Mouthshut? They are on blogs are we visit each others' blogs regularly. Find their comments on my blog.

BTW, I havent heard from you on my blog either.

Come back, Mr. Shashank. The blog world needs you [:-P]
